Newer Age

Sunday, June 26, 2005

While you're waiting

Last night, my 16-year old took his mother and went off to Manchester to watch Crosby, Stills and Nash!

If you had asked me 20 years ago what the chances of that happening were, I would have said astronomically small.

Oh well, I suppose it's my fault, for insisting he watch the blasted "Woodstock" DVD... he'd never heard of them before.

An old memory springs to mind: I remember, 20 years ago, walking up a very steep, remote Greek mountainside, with some German youngster, probably not much older than my kid is now, and not that different in appearance, either. His words:
"Jah, I don't mind zis mountain is zo steep, I chust imagine zat Voodstock is at ze top, und zen I am full of enerchy again, jah, zo no problem!"

Oh well, nice to see some things don't change.

My apologies to those of you who are still awaiting my long-promised "Yawning of the Age of Aquarius" wtite-up, it is coming, I promise... chust imagine you are vaiting for Voddstock, ja, zen it vill not zeem zo long.

PS. CSN were, apparently, very good; played for almost 3 hours without a supporting act to a near full house Arena -- hell, I can't wait to see what they'll be doing in their 80s! Hope for all us greybeards, then...


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